Pause Button

Pausing any portion of an experiment causes that experiment's timer to stop running. All time-dependent actions, such as data acquisition, stepping the voltage, or measuring a time delay, stop. The Status Display changes to PAUSED when you click thePause button.

By default, the Pause button keeps the current applied in Galvanostat mode, and the voltage applied in Potentiostat mode.

NOTE: Pausing a large applied current during an experiment can severely damage a battery or cell under test. To prevent this from happening, you can change the gamry.INI file to stop applying current in Galvanostat mode when an experiment is paused. See instructions below.

To change the default Pause action in Galvanostatic mode, so that a paused experiment shuts off the applied current:

In the gamry.INI file, find the section header for the instrument you wish to change Pause mode.

Add the line


underneath your instrument's section header.

A TRUE value sets the Pause action to shut down the cell current. A FALSE value allows the cell current to stay on when paused.

To change the default Pause action in Potentiostatic mode, so that a paused experiment shuts off the applied voltage:

In the gamry.INI file, find the section header for the instrument you wish to change Pause mode.

Add the line


underneath your instrument's section header.

A TRUE value sets the Pause action to shut down the cell voltage. A FALSE value allows the cell voltage to stay on when paused.